Absolution at the Knitting Factory.
August 2008.
Canon AE-1
I can remember flipping through the pages of Maximum Rock'N'Roll many many years ago and coming across an ad for a new tape compilation from New York. Being a kid from sunny Orange County California, NYHC has always seemed a little more cool and definitely more gritty and maybe even at times, scary. This tape had some bands on it that I had heard were really good, so I stuffed some money in an envelope and mailed it to the address in the ad. A short while later the tape arrived with a cool zine with all the lyrics and info on the bands. Also stuffed in the envelope was a bunch of stickers from NYHC bands. My favorite of these stickers was the silk screened Absolution sticker. It was really big and really cool. The name of my new tape was New Breed Tape Compilation. And what an impact it had on me. Starting with the Absolution song "Never Ending Game", this tape blew me away. It introduced me to alot of the bands that weren't getting much attention on the west coast and didn't leave my cassette player for a really long time. It's kind of hard to believe now, but that was twenty years ago. Man how time flies. Earlier today, a friend of mine sent me a link to a website that one of the makers of this fine compilation has put together to kind of celebrate the twentieth anniversary of this tape. It's great looking site and it has the comp available for download for all the old kids who lost their tapes and for the new kids who don't know what a cassette is. Here's the link for ya:
New Breed Tape Comp
Like I mentioned before, this tape introduced me to some great bands. Beyond, Life's Blood, Raw Deal, Outburst, Breakdown, to name a few. One what really stuck out to me was the Absolution track. A brilliant song. I always tried to follow this band, but it was a little hard at times to do so from across the country. While I liked their recorded stuff, I would read in various fanzines just how amazing they were live. They never made it to the west coast so I missed out on those amazing shows. That was until they reunited for a show at the Knitting Factory back in August of 2008. Now, I'm not foolish enough to think that they were anywhere near as good as they were back in the day. But they were pretty amazing.

Absolution at the Knitting Factory.
August 2008.
Canon AE-1

Absoltion at the Knitting Factory.
August 2008.
Holga 120CFN.