Chain of Strength at Spanky's Cafe.
Riverside, CA.
Sometime in '89.
This photo of Chain of Strength is one of my favorite images that I've been lucky enough to capture on film over the years. This was the early days of Spanky's Cafe, before they took out the salad bar and booths and built a stage. Effectively turning it into an actual club. Shows in this prestage era were pretty awesome. I don't remember this exact show, but I'm sure it was a really good one. For those of you who have picked up the book Radio Silence, this photo will be familiar. It's featured on a full page in that fine book. This image is also part of the Radio Silence photo show that has travelled around. For those who couldn't afford a print from the photo show, you get the image on a t-shirt. You had to be at the photo show for such an honor though. But, no longer. The Radio Silence kids have put up these limited edition shirts up for sale on their site. Click the link for all the juicy info:
Radio Silence
In other commerce news, I've put up a link on my list of links to the right, to my Etsy shop. Here you can purchase photographic prints and linocut prints that I've made myself. Exciting, isn't it? There's not a lot there now, but that will be changing. Please have a
look hopefully there's something you like. And if there's a print you'd like but don't see in the shop, feel free to contact me.

Atlantic City, NJ.
Jan. 1, 2006.
A print of this image is in my
Etsy shop now.