Thursday, October 30, 2008

"I remember halloween...."

World Inferno Friendship Society Halloween night, 2002. I made my way to North Six club in Brooklyn to see my friends the World Inferno Friendship Society for their annual Hallowmas celebration show. Which are always a good time. This one was a little more special because they were recording it for a live record. The show was nuts. Kids going bonkers, dancing and jumping all about. The band brought a whole lotta candy corn to throw out. Buckets and buckets of it. It really seemed like a never ending supply. Now, candy corn is gross to begin with. But when you add it to a large crowd of rowdy punks it becomes very very messy. And oh what a mess it was. I grew and inch taller due to all the candy corn stuck to the bottom of my shoes. Many people had clothes now permanently embedded with candy corn. The dance floor after the show had a nice coating of melted sugar. It was kind of sticky and kind of slick and ever so gross. I remember seeing Doggy Style throw out doughnuts and the floor becoming a total mess with punks trying to maintain balance in the circle pit. But that paled in comparison with the floor after this Inferno show. I've always been curious as to what the club did about this for the next nights show. I've asked members of the band, but they were always a little too scared to find out in case the club was pissed about the mess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had to throw out my gogo boots--they were ruined. I still regret having to toss them.