Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Developing news....

Tonight I got around to developing the first roll run through the homemade pinhole camera. The results are not amazing, but something does appear on film and to me that equals success. This after all was my first attempt at a making my own pinhole camera, so just getting light to film makes me pretty happy. The images look to be a tad blurry, but that's bound to happen when your pinhole was made with gaffer tape. I've done a bit more research and will have to make some adjustments to the camera.
I also developed the first roll run through my Ansco Rediflex. These came out pretty good. My only problem with this roll and to an extent the first roll through the homemade pinhole, is that I didn't have time to really wander around and get good images. Shorter days means no time after work. And when the weekends were here, so was shitty weather. Oh well. The two rolls were a decent test.
Darkroom time is booked for saturday. So some new images will be uploaded to my flickr site as soon as I scan the prints. Until then, enjoy this image.
Feeling the ocean

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